
Em dash、dash飲食、dash底線在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

Em dash關鍵字相關的推薦文章

Em dash在破折號Em Dash vs. 連接號En Dash 簡單記憶方式|活化英文的討論與評價

通常英文寫作的Dash 指的就是Em Dash,也就是中文的「破折號」:連結不同句子,而Hyphen (連字號) 則是用來連結單字,它們的規模不同。連接號英文是En Dash, ...

Em dash在Em dash | The Punctuation Guide的討論與評價

The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons⁠—in ...

Em dash在連接號- 維基百科,自由的百科全書的討論與評價

En dash, Em dash, 水平線, 數字連接號 ... 英文用以表示語氣轉折的是—(em dash);寬度同拉丁小寫字母m,故名;中文將之吸納並演化為破折號。Em dash還用來代替括號 ...

Em dash在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

    Em dash在How To Use An Em Dash (—) | Lexico.com的討論與評價

    An em dash, or long dash, is used: ... Thousands of children—like the girl in this photograph—have been left homeless. My son—where has he gone?—would like to ...

    Em dash在What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? | Thesaurus.com的討論與評價

    The em dash (—) sets off a word or clause and adds emphasis. Or, it can signal an interruption (see our article on interrupting sentences for more on that!) or ...

    Em dash在Em Dash: When Should I Use It? | Grammarly的討論與評價

    Em dashes differ from other hyphens and dashes not only in usage, which we will discuss shortly, but also in appearance. In fact, the em dash is named after its ...

    Em dash在標點符號大不同:連字符、連接號與破折號的差異的討論與評價

    而英文的標點符號中,hyphen(連字符「-」)、en dash(連接號「–」)和 em dash(破折號「—」)這三個看起來很像,但用意又不同的符號,特別容易使人混淆或錯誤使用。

    Em dash在A Guide to Em Dashes, En Dashes, and Hyphens - Merriam ...的討論與評價

    An em dash can mark an abrupt change or break in the structure of a sentence. · An em dash can indicate interrupted speech or a speaker's confusion or hesitation ...

    Em dash在em dash中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典的討論與評價

    An em dash is as wide as an "m" in the typeface. I still don't know what en and em dashes are, or why they are desirable. You should not use a single hyphen to ...

    Em dash在Em Dash怎么打? (-)、 (–)、 (—)的区别- Hyphen 连字符(-)的討論與評價

    Hyphen、En Dash、Em Dash怎么打? (-)、 (–)、 (—)的区别、用法和输入方法. 2020-06-20 01:57 来源:学英语那点事. 原标题:Hyphen、En Dash、Em Dash怎么打?

    Em dash的PTT 評價、討論一次看
